Scatter jacks in a small area. Player 1 tosses a ball in the air, then quickly grabs one jack before the ball bounces. With the same hand, the player grabs the ball just after the first bounce. If the player is successful, the jack is moved quickly to their other hand and they progress to the next round. How do you play old fashioned jacks? Why is an Old Fashioned called an Old Fashioned? Should an Old Fashioned be muddled? Should you add water to an Old Fashioned? How do I order an Old Fashioned in Wisconsin? What are the two types of Old Fashioned? How do you muddle an Old Fashioned? Why are Old Fashioned so popular in Wisconsin? How do you use old fashioned Barsmith? Was an Old Fashioned always called an Old Fashioned? What is an Old Fashioned bar called? What kind of wood do you use to smoke an old fashioned? Who invented the Oaxaca old fashioned? What is the difference between a Manhattan and an Old Fashioned? Do you say old fashion or old ...