You may find yourself putting off studying so you have no choice but stay up all night before a test or exam. Cramming isn't effective , because your brain needs time to digest information. After six hours of studying (and a packet of chips and several energy drinks) you might feel as though the material is familiar. Is it OK to pull an all-nighter? How do you successfully pull an all-nighter? How do you pull an all-nighter and not be tired the next day? How do you pull an all-nighter and go to school? Is it OK to pull an all-nighter at 13? How do teens pull an all-nighter? How do you pull an all-nighter for school and not be tired? How does federal work study work? How much does work-study pay per semester? How does federal work study work ASU? What does work-study mean on fafsa? What does it mean when a college offers you a work study program? How does fafsa choose work study? What is federal work study eligibility? How does work and study...