Fresh Kielbasa BOIL: Place it in a pot of cold water; once the water starts to boil cook it for only 10 minutes on Medium heat. Turn it off and let it sit for another 5 minutes. ... GRILL: ... Fry: Put it in a pan with a little water (about an inch) on the bottom, cook on Medium, covered. ... Bake: Pre-heat over to 375 degrees. What is real kielbasa made of? How do you say kielbasa in Ukrainian? Where does kielbasa come from? How is sausage different from kielbasa? How do you pronounce kielbasa in Canada? What do you put on kielbasa? How is kielbasa traditionally cooked? What meat is in kielbasa? Can you eat kielbasa sausage without cooking it? What is the difference between sausage and kielbasa? Is it pronounced kielbasa or Kielbasi? What do Polish people eat with kielbasa? Can you eat smoked kielbasa without cooking it? What's the best way to cook kielbasa in the oven? How do beginner real estate agents make money? How much do most real es...