Bellflower Growing Instructionsnn The plants grow best in full sun, but will also thrive in partial shade . Bellflower prefers a rich, well drained soil. Deadhead faded flowers to encourage additional bloom. The plants are relatively deer-resistant. Does squash like sun or shade? Do chrysanthemums like shade or sun? Does coleus like sun or shade? Does mint plant like sun or shade? Do rhododendrons like sun or shade? What do pansies like sun or shade? Does phlox like sun or shade? Does bellflower come back every year? Do begonias like sun or shade? Does basil like sun or shade? Does star jasmine like sun or shade? Do geraniums like full sun or shade? Do strawberries like full sun or shade? Does thyme like sun or shade? Is bellflower easy to grow? Does snapdragons like sun or shade? Do hydrangeas like sun or shade? How long does it take for a bellflower to grow? Do columbines like sun or shade? Doe...