Benzene is prepared from ethyne by the process of cyclic polymerization . In this process, Ethyne is passed through a red-hot iron tube at 873 K. The ethyne molecule then undergoes cyclic polymerization to form benzene. What industries produce benzene? Where does most benzene come from? What is benzene benzene used for? What pharmaceuticals contain benzene? How is benzene used in pharmaceuticals? Do all sunscreens have benzene? Is benzene bad in sunscreen? What brands of sunscreen have benzene? What are the three methods of preparation of benzene? What is linear alkyl benzene made of? What are the two methods of preparation of benzene? Where is linear alkyl benzene used? How can you prepare benzene starting from phenol? What is benzene sunscreen? How will you prepare benzene from benzoic acid and phenol? What is linear alkyl benzene sulfonate? How are crystal formed? How are mountains formed answer? How are mountains formed simple? ...