George Harrison passed away on November 29, 2001. His final words were recorded by his wife, Olivia Harrison, as very simply “ love one another .” What happened to George Harrison when he died? What happened to George Harrison? What was George Harrison's last words? When did George Harrison die and how? Who was George Harrison with when he died? Did George Harrison know he was dying? When and how did George Harrison die? Did George Harrison die at Paul's house? Did George Harrison died at Paul McCartney's house? Where is George Harrison? How did George Harrison really die? What was John Lennon's last words? What did Paul McCartney say when George Harrison died? What were George Michael's last words? When did George Harrison get diagnosed with cancer? Were Ringo and George Harrison friends? How old would George Harrison be today? What were George Michaels last words? What was the last thing George Harrison said? ...