“Make Georgia Howl”nn Sherman believed that the Confederacy derived its strength not from its fighting forces but from the material and moral support of sympathetic Southern whites . What general made Georgia howl? Who decided to make Georgia howl? What did Sherman mean by make Georgia howl? What does a wolf's howl mean? Why do wolves howl when humans howl? What does Georgia mean in history? Who is Allen Ginsberg talking about in Howl? Are wolves sad when they howl? What does the poem Howl celebrate? Are wolves happy when they howl? Why do wolves howl with humans? How rare is the howl? What is the Woolly Howl? When was Sherman's march through Georgia? Do wolves howl when happy? Can you get M4A4 howl? What is the major theme of Howl by Allen Ginsberg? Why is Howl important? What does Georgia mean for a girl? What general made Georgia howl? ...